Monday, June 15, 2015

Necessary Use of UV light in HVAC systems

Dan Jones, vice president of marketing at UV Resources, said the main application of UV-C is on cooling coils, though the number of units being placed into ductwork is increasing. “What we’ve seen as far as UV’s use and popularity has been driven by ASHRAE,” Jones said. “ASHRAE has published three UV chapters in its handbooks over the past four years, and from an engineering standpoint, that has given UV a lot of traction. We’re seeing more and more UV specified by engineers.”
Jones added that the technology now costs roughly half what it did a decade ago, making it a more affordable option for consumers.

“UV has been around for a long time, and it’s going to be here for a long time,” Jones said. “UV will be as ubiquitous as air filters in the future; no one will knowingly want to operate a/c equipment without it.”

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